Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ab workout with running and climbing

So I finally got up this morning, it was a rough one for me, and I showed up 15 minutes late. Halfway there I knew I was going to be late, but I was going to no matter what. Here's the WOD:

3 rounds
3 rope climbs
50 GHD (I did one round of this, and then went down to "pack" level of 30)
800m run

Time was 21:13, a seemingly fast time looking at the other times. When I looked over the White Board with Jerry before the workout, I commented on the 50 GHD's and he commented on how it was a lot, and that I should be careful not to hurt myself. I felt like I was ok, so I went "elite" with the 50 GHD's.

This one was nice, albeit I had no time for warming up so the first set of rope climbs was rough. I went through the GHD's fairly easily, and then I tried really hard to push myself in running. Given that is was something like 28 degrees and I wasn't wearing the warmest of clothes, I had a lot of motivation to run as fast as I could.

During the second round, I was really starting to struggle with the GHD's (that I still love). At around rep 23, I had flashbacks to Jerry saying I should watch out so I don't hurt myself. Thinking I might push myself a little too hard if I did all 150, so I dropped down to pack level.

I'm kind of happy I didn't do the whole 150, because my stomach is already sore, and it hasn't been more than 13hours.

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