Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Done with the Holiday break

So I spent the past week in Chicago, and had decided that I should take some time off from working the shoulder so I didn't exercise at all, although I was hoping to pay Crossfit Arlington Heights a visit yesterday. My schedule didn't allow me to, but I'm ok with taking the week off given the circumstances.

However, I have very little self control when it comes to eating anything close to healthy when I'm surrounded by cookies and pie and all kinds of carbs. I was constantly full, always snacking.

Anyway, when I was leaving for Chicago last Tuesday I weighed 208, this Tuesday I weighed in at 216. So that's an 8 pound increase in one week, quite the feat. I'm not mad at myself, I'm not even really disappointed, because what good would that do. Instead, I'm looking forward to seeing how quickly I'll lose this weight just getting back on track.

Tomorrow I will see Olga for the fourth time, one step closer to having relaxed hip muscles. Every time I see her she notices marked improvement, so I know I'm not just spinning my wheels here.

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