Monday, December 8, 2008

"You can't kip Push-ups"

So today was a nice met con workout.

10 Rounds for time:
7 pull-ups
7 burbees
3 minute rest
6 Rounds for time:
10 good mornings
20 ab mat situps
65 push-ups for time

Don't remember the exact times but I think the first round went 12 something, and the second round went 14 something. When I did the pushups, I desperately wanted to do 30 push-ups (aka more than my pull-up pr). Instead, I got up to 21 and then could do more. I mentioned this to Danny the today, with which he wisely responded with, "you can't kip push-ups"

Seriously though it's sad that I'm so bad at push-ups. I'm glad I did the push ups, lord knows I needed it. I think I need to start doing 100 pushups for time after every class instead of those situps.

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