Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, "The Beast"

Jerry called this one the beast, but I kind of liked it for some strange reason.

Run both buildings twice (1 mile?)
30 Thrusters
30 Pullups
Run both buildings once (800-1000 meters?)
20 pullups
20 thrusters
Run small building (400 meter?)
10 pullups
10 thrusters

65lb women
95lb men

my time was 37:47. The thrusters were pretty difficult again, but I'm getting better at keeping my core tight when winded. the squat isn't difficult for my legs like my quads, it feels... I don't know how to describe it. I think it my hip flexors or something, because of the three things I focus on- keeping my core tight, my back vertical, and knees out- it's the knees out that feels the most foreign/difficult. I also think I need to work on my grip, because when I'm thrusting the weight up the bar usually isn't on the meat of my hands, it more like where my fingers and hand meet. This usually makes the thrust part a little more uncomfortable than it needs to be, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

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