Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Working out in the A.M.

This week I've been a lot more successful with coming to the morning workouts. I've noticed a side effect to this is increased appetite. ...Not just a little, but a lot. I'm going from a 4 block meal, 2 block snack regimen to something like a 4-4-4-4 plan, and I still find myself hungry. The difference is crazy, but I like it. Historically, I only see results when I really start eating a lot, so perhaps this will help.

Speaking of helping, I'm also revamping my food plan. For lunch I've relied on the two slices of bread in my sandwich for my carbs, but now I would like to replace it with two bags of steamed frozen veggies. I figure that will help with losing fat.

Today's workout was the deadlift again, but my back is still not 100%. After warming up with 135 lbs with my best form, my back was still feeling it so I tried the conditioning alternate:

20 min AMRAP
8 knees to elbows
8 KB swing @ 52#
8 med ball squat clean
8 pushups

I managed 11 rounds, and was really worn out.

Yesterday's wod was this:

Five rounds, each for time of:
300m Row
25 Ab Mat
20 Jumping Pullups
15 Box Jump
10 Turkish Get-ups
5 Burpees

Rest two minutes between each round.

My times were 5:57, 7:02, 8:07, 8:51, and 7:25

During this one Jerry helped me out with my TGU's which are still lacking in speed. Right now I still think of each step, so they're not very fluid or quick. Jerry pointed out that I wasn't getting my foot far enough back with one of the movements. After that it felt like my tgu time improved, possibly the reason for improvement on my last round.

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