Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week of Crossfit

Ok so now that I did the Oly competition I went back to Crossfit this week as a "break".  This past week I crossfitted only three times instead of my regular five since my body isn't used to it.  At all.  As I sit here my lats and arms are quite sore, mostly because we did pull ups on Friday and damn if my body isn't used to doing them anymore.  I'm looking forward to doing a whole five this upcoming week, all with Krisitn.

On Tuesday I saw the Chiropractor again, and she was amazed with how out of whack my body was.  So either it was crossfit or the competition that really through my body for a loop, probably a combo of both.  I have to say I'm really glad that I started seeing her, it really has changed things for the better, which can be hard to believe given how delicate her adjustments are.

Now that I'm weighing 190+, I'm going to try to hold on to these muscle gains.  This means I need to keep eating a ton of food, the nutrition guy at crossfit Rise said I can easily go through 6-8k calories a day.  I guess that would explain why I feel hungry (and eat) all that time.  It's funny but eating for me really is work.

Speaking of eating, I am trying to step up my nutrition, again.  It always seems like there's something to improve.  First I did the zone diet, then I switched to the paleo diet and that caused me to lose more fat but was also harder to keep strength so I added protein shakes. Then I made the move from corn fed beef to grass fed beef.  I honestly felt like there wasn't really much more I could do but I've learned that I should start eating fermented foods.

Fermented foods?  When I first heard about that I thought it mean spoiled foods, but that's not quite right.  A fermented food is sauerkraut, for example. Pretty much every culture has a fermented cabbage dish, and the reason is it's a great source for healthy bacteria.  Otherwise called probiotics.  Some may turn their nose at the idea of fermented foods, good thing I am up for trying anything to eat, like the time I was up in Quebec for my 30th bday.  Seems that probiotics shouldn't be taken lightly, they can help decrease anxiety and depression.

This nutrition stuff can really get complicated.  Hell, I just found out my sea salt isn't naturally made because it's white and what I need to look for is Trader Joe's Himalayan sea salt, which is pink.  Back to the probiotics, for this week I've been buying teas that are fermented, but this week I should get my hands on some really fresh whey and will make my own fermented beet drink to have at breakfast.

It's always something, I can always eat better, sleep more, and stretch more.  I'm still finding my limit on these.  Funny, I think it's easy to find your limit on working out.  I mean, I could work out more, and I am going to this upcoming week, but if I do that it means I have to do even more work on recovery.

Speaking of working out more, I am now incorporating Pilates into my weekly routine, so that means I'll be doing two-a-days, at least on Tuesday and Thursday.  I'm pretty excited about this because I've always had issues keeping a hollow body on gymnastic movements.  I arch my back and my ribcage pops out all the freakin' time.  This is because I don't have great control over my abs, I still don't have a great neurological connection to them.  Pilates' work on the core/abs will help with this.  There is a chance I'll be doing this on a reformer with Kristin and her sister, so that will be even better.

This upcoming week I could see a lot of different things happen, it should be interesting.

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