Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cindys and push press max

Today was a weird wod:

6 min Cindy
18 min find 1 rep push press max
6 min Cindy

So the first Cindy I was a bit slow, managed to get 5 rounds and some change. I was a bit slow on the pushups. I should also note that my hamstrings were SORE when I squatted. Again, perhaps I should've had an early rest day. Then again, perhaps I just need to push through to raise the tolerance of what my body can take. Not sure, it was a tough call. I also haven't been sleeping as much as usual this week thanks to a new schedule I'm trying to implement, and I think this is slowing down my recovery. Also, I plan on purchasing Under Amour recharge pants, they are suppose to help with recovery.

So now it's push press time. I was excited because the push press is a lift where my weak abs would cause a severe arch in my back, and now that I'm using my abs more I wanted to see how much better I'd fair. I managed to get up to 165, which is 10# more than what I was able to snatch grip press three months ago. I'm not sure how the two lifts compare, but I'll take it.

For the earlier part of this year, I've had a bit of a set back with the weight I've been able to lift as I relearn the lifts with the abs engaged. I know it's for the better, which is why I do it, but I still hunger to make every day a PR day. I think I'm now getting to the point where the abs are catching up with the rest of my body, so I can now break through the plataus I was previously experiencing.

Last week I jerked 200#s, and to be honest it felt light, but I was too excited to really push myself any more since 200 was my goal. The rush of breaking a PR is so addicting, I was litterally jumping up and down after that Jerk. With the push press I didn't have a goal, so when I hit 165 I didn't feel that rush, now I know better. It's all about goal setting and focus with me.

I feel like my body is really starting to respond now to the improvement in form, and I can't wait to see where I go from here.

Concerning the second Cindy, I was blazing through the rounds, I even did some rounds with the butterfly kip. For the first round my pushups were unbroken and perfect. Once my chin/chest/hips touched the floor I exploded upwards so quickly that my palms left the floor for each rep. I only started to slow down near the end, but I got either 6.5 or 7.5 rounds in, waaay more than the first one. Not having to stop felt great, I'd like to feel that more often.
I'm improving, and I feel great about it.

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