Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday, Handstand work

So the wod was to walk as far as you can for 12 min, on your hands!

If you couldn't do that, then you had to work on a freestanding handstand. I had to work on the freestanding part. It was difficult because the guy who was spotting me was grabbing my ankles with his whole hand. Because I was getting sensory feedback from all around my ankles, I couldn't figure out if I was leaning too far forward or backwards. I tried telling this to him but I couldn't put it into words, so he didn't really undestand me. So although I did make some progress I was annoyed pretty much the whole time.

We had a conditioner afterwards, and it was all exercises that favor tall people

12 min ARAP
200m row
15 box jumps
50 feet walking lunges

Rowing was easy, box jumps I found a really fast rythem, and the lunges were where I could ignore the pain. I got 4.3 rounds in, felt good about that.

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