Saturday, June 30, 2012

Getting close to a six pack.

So the whole reason why I joined crossfit four years ago was for vanity as can be seen herehere, and here, among other posts.

As long as I can remember I’ve wanted to have a six pack.  Hell I can remember in 6th grade Stephanie Smith asking me if I wanted a Jolly Ranger and after a second of thinking about it I responded with “Nah, too much sugar”.  I was always a chunky kid, loved eating, so having a well-defined physique was not only a dream but a seemingly impossible goal for me.  In high school I was on the wrestling team, but where the average bodyfat of the team was 3.8% I was a "hefty" 12% (mind you this is when I had slimmed down to 168#, not a lot of meat on my 6'2" bones).  After high school I would lift weights, I would run, but I never really got into the shape I wanted. 

Douche move to take the pic in the 
gym locker I know, but still, I was
happy with what I saw.
Then I joined Crossfit.  I started working my core in ways I never thought of.  Plus I started eating Zone (I know, I know, but back in ’08 paleo was just entering the xfit community's lexicon) I slowly learned that I almost never used my abs, that I always relied on my hip flexors to do core work. (it is these tight hip flexors that resulted in FAI and the labrum tear).  I started working my abs and that helped get some foundation for a six pack.

But I was still soft, especially by crossfit standards.

Then, finally at the end of 2010, I fully embraced paleo.  I had paleo meals delivered, and, for the first time in my life, I started seeing my abdominal muscles.  The main thing going on here at this time, I think, is that I was really limiting not only what I ate but how much.  I thank Catalyst Meals (now Power Supply Meals), for making it easy to eat only paleo. But in addition those meals were quite small for me, so it was a way of limiting my caloric intake as well.  Then I moved away from DC to Chicago, and had to do the paleo on my own.  I was pretty successful, but I think I went a little wild with portion control.  Now that I’m getting married, I really wanted to have a six pack for the honeymoon.  I think the addition of caloric restriction to paleo was the biggest reason I was getting a six pack last year, so I’ve decided to do it again.  I’ve been eating much less, all paleo.  And I have to say I’m seeing results.  I’m down to 185 pounds (from 195).  There is a fear that I’m going to stop seeing the strength gains I’ve been seeing in rehab.  But right now all I’m focusing on is losing fat and getting shredded.

It’s funny, because of crossfit I’m in a much, much better place to get a six pack, but right now I seem to be closer to my goal then ever before and I haven’t crossfitted since last November.

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