Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sat Wod

A little catch up post here, Sat we had a chipper:

600m run
box jumps
thrusters (30# dumbbell)


Row calories

Double under

DB Shoulder Press

Jumping Lunges

600m run

I did 50 reps of each. Nothing was horrible, but the thought of doing 50 of XXX as I started the movement felt intimidating. There were times were I won the mental game, like with the thrusters I told my body to shut up and push. I always find it easier to push my legs then my upper body, don't know why though. I didn't really encounter a problem until I got to the shoulder press. by rep 20 I was having issues keeping my core tight, it just didn't have the strength and I was starting to arch. Danya called me out on it, and it was frustrating because I knew what I was doing wrong and was trying to correct it, but my body just wasn't cooperating. I don't want to practice bad habits, but waiting for my body to recoup really wasn't an option. The same went for my jumping lunges, I was fine up to rep 20 and then I really started to falter. My hip was really starting to hurt, and it was throwing off my concentration.

I really like Danya's coaching, she tells me things that I tell myself. Strict in terms of doing it correctly, but very positive as well. I think I was the last one to finish this one, again. I'm starting to get a little tired of finishing last.

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