Sunday, July 18, 2010


So today was the first time we did Chelsea:

30 min
5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats each minute

When you can't keep up, you switch over to doing as many rounds as you can within time.

This was frustrating because the pull ups were super easy, the squats weren't challenging, I just couldn't do push ups. It didn't feel like I wasn't pushing myself, it just felt like I had no strength. Like I'm lying on the floor, I tell my arms to extend and to push. I push as hard as I can, but I don't move. It's immensely frustrating. When time was up everyone else was on the ground breathing hard, and while it was obvious I worked out I could still easily walk around and talk. The bottleneck that is push ups really prevented me from really building up the intensity. I talked to Melisa about this, about how I was unable to raise the intensity, and she said I just have to keep working on it. She saw how my push ups used to be, and she said they are so much better now. Once again more proof that I need to start some extra work on my chest. I really felt like things got easier when I started benching. I will def have to start that up again.

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