Thursday, May 27, 2010

partner wod and mastering the butterfly kip

So we had a partner wod, lots of running, some handstand push ups, and pull ups as well.

The run was good, found a good pace

The HSPU were good, I still use a full 45# plate with a 10# on top of that, but I got in a lot of reps in so it was a good workout. Damn I hope I get stronger with this exercise.

But what I want to talk about is my pull ups. I tried to use the butterfly kip, but it just wasn't coming very easily. I kept getting these stop-and-go's, so most of the time I did the standard kip. However, near the end and near exhaustion, I found the butterfly. I got in around four reps, and these were really easy, smooth, Danny-esque reps. A visiting Xfitter, commented on how I was nailing it. I think those four reps were better than anything I've done before, and I remember thinking, "gosh, my arms are a lot closer than I thought they should be." So maybe I should try a narrower grip, I don't know. But what I do know is that on Wednesday I felt, for the first time, that I truly had the butterfly kip.

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