Monday, May 14, 2012

Reason for having oxygenated blood

So last time when I went to see Dr. Hauser and he had my blood drawn the nurse mentioned that my blood was bright red, this meant it was highly oxygenated and “whatever it is that you’re doing, keep doing it.”  Well it just so happens that I came across this article that explains why my blood is so awesome.  It’s not diet, it’s not exercise, it’s the fact I get a massage every two weeks.  Basically, the study found that massage helped boost mitochondria in the muscle’s cells, and “…mitochondria help the cell take up and use oxygen. The muscle’s ability to extract oxygen is proportional to the amount of mitochondria that are present.”  So my muscle cells are using up all kinds of oxygen.  Wonder if that’s why I get so winded so quickly, lol.

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