Saturday, August 18, 2012

First Wod in like a year

Given the very little equipment available for me to use with a more traditional strength training program, I decided to do a crossfit-style workout.  I felt my hip would be ok, and if I felt it catch or anything like that I’d modify straight away. So, after about a year of not crossfitting, I decided to do:

5 rounds
10 burbees
10 30# clean and push jerks

After the first round I knew I was in trouble conditioning-wise so I cut it to three.  Seriously, I could not keep up the intensity at all, I had to take pretty long breaks in between each exercise, but I made sure to do each exercise unbroken.  I was concerned with the large ROM required for the burpees, but those actually went well.  My hip never clicked or anything like that, however I did feel tightness with one of my adductors in the beginning.  Worst case scenario it’s tight because I still have some labral damage and it’s tightening up to protect it.  Best case is that it’s  tight because of the way I sit or walk after the PRP treatments.

Based off of the burpees being ok and the Roman chair lifts still causing problems, it seems that my hip only catches when I bring my knee towards my chest, but not when I bring my hips to my knee.  I have no idea if there’s any significance to this but I thought it worth noting.

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