Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day three: Update

First of all a Merry Chrsitmas to everyone!  This has been a wonderful year for me, and I hope it has been for you as well.

The stiffness in my hip is pretty much gone, I'm now walking without any gimp.  It seems like dancing will be an option, so that's really, really good news.  I was told that I need to let the labrum heal (duh) so I can't let it click.  That clicking is the labrum tear opening and closing, so obviously if I keep doing that it won't be able to knit together and heal.

In order to prevent any clicking, I basically can't let leg do more than 20 degrees flexion.  First day it wasn't a problem, mostly because I was asleep for the whole day.  But yesterday I accidentally raised my leg up just a little too high and it made this really loud thunk.  It also happened again doing something else, can't remember what but it was very casual. 

The hip also popped twice, again just me walking around.  I think it might have to do with the swelling around the joint, I don't know.

But back to the clicking.  Today it clicked when I got out of bed, and the thing is I know it tends to do that so I figured out a way that doesn't click.  Yet I moved my knee just a little too high and "Thunk".  I then tried to put on my pajama pants, I raised my leg to step in to them and felt the pinch that precedes the click.  Stuck, I tried to slowly lower my leg so that it wouldn't click.  "Thunk".  Both of those were so loud that Kristin could hear them.

I'm nervous about undoing the healing that is trying to take place, but hopefully these four clicks don't do too much, and am able to keep this from happening again.

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