Monday, August 22, 2011

Snatch PR and frustration

Saturday was a mixed bag. On one hand I snatched 75 kg, a 4 kg pr which is awesome. But I simply could not jerk anything over 95, and that was frustrating. I could get 90 easy, 95 ok, and I tried 98 four different times, and each time I was soooooo close. But I simply couldn't stick it. It doesn't seem to be a technique thing, as Angie says everything looks good, and I asked Jerry over twitter if he saw anything I was doing wrong and he hasn't responded (I figure no response = nothing to offer).

I knew the jerk was going to be the limiting factor with my lift, but still it's frustrating not seeing any gains this week. To think I was actually expecting to be able to lift 110 kilos.

I've also learned that my weight class is the most populous one in the competition. There are guys in it who've placed in Nationals, so my best bet to get a medal is to win the crossfit division. I think there's only two other guys in that, so I'm guaranteed at least third right? Whatever the case, I'm really excited about this, saw the singlet I'll be competing in and it's starting to hit home that this is really happening!

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