Friday, July 29, 2011

Making gains

I know it's been a while since my last post, but not much has come up. I've just finished the strength building phase of my training, and am now making the transistion to developing power. In the mean time, I am making HUGE gains with technique. Angie said that she wished there was video of me when I first came to class so that she could compare it to what I'm looking like now. It's like day and night, I'm now keeping my back tightly packed and am keeping my chest up. This improvement in posture has helped eliminate my shoulder pain (it's now been over a week and I haven't felt a thing, pretty amazing!) I'm also now starting to squat like an Oly lifter, butt almost touching the ground, back tight. Angie says I need to start working on bouncing out of the bottom, but I worry about losing core tension and that affecting my knees and back.

At Oly lifting class on Wednesday Angie commented that I'll soon start lifting more weight then I ever thought possible. That has me really excited.

I haven't weighed myself in a while, have no idea if I'm still at 194 or have gained even more weight. I've noticed my legs are looking bigger, more powerful. I also feel that I look bigger, but that may also be an effect of having much, much better posture (shoulders back chest out).

It may seem blashomy for the Paleo diet, but I've been taking Myoplex right after my lifting sessions. If I don't I won't have anything to eat until like an hour after my workout and that is way too long.

Really, really interested in where this training takes me over the next month!

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