Thursday, July 14, 2011

I've been doing it all wrong.

I know that lifting with my legs and not with my back has been an issue for me. I know that my core strength hasn't been what it's needed to be in order to keep up with my leg strength. But the other day I saw this picture of myself, and it concerned me because of the horizontal striations in my back. I've been told that this is indicative of lifting with your back, and it's a bad thing (obviously) because you're using the weaker stability muscles around your spine instead of the larger muscles in your hips that are designed to move things.

When you lift properly, your lower back should develop into something that looks like a Christmas tree, as shown by this body builder pic. Since I've started this oly lifting program, the main focus for me has been to keep my back tight throughout. To be honest that's almost exclusively what I've been working on. Everything flows from keeping the core tight, and it's pretty much all I've been working on for the past two weeks. I have the other mechanics down, other than the shrug at the end of the snatch (it's still eluding me). I'm worried that I'll mess my back up, and I'm realizing how all of my shoulder problems probably stem from poor posture and that means I'm not using my back muscles. I sit in a chair all day for work, and I've always known I hunch over the keyboard, but it's been such a hard habit to break. Well, now I seem to have the motivation to break this habit, I find myself straightening out my posture all the time (have typed up this whole post with my shoulder blades squeezed).

I don't want a bad back, I want a healthy back, I want to be able to lift heavy weight with my legs, I want to be able to do this stuff when I'm in my 50's. You could say that picture really has scared me straight.

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