Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Waiting Game

I know I haven't been posting much, but to be honest there hasn't been much to post.  I've just been waiting, trying to not irritate the hip, trying not to flex my hip or do anything with external rotation.  Still, I do feel pain in my hip; but it doesn't feel like the same type of pain.  But it's unsettling, trying to just wait.  Different scenarios keep popping into my head:
  1. Prolotherapy heals the labrum and my psoas doesn't have to be tight and I'm no longer in pain, get to do anything and everything. Dream come true, really.  But honestly I'm just not ready to accept this as a real possibility.  It's just so foreign and so.... too good to be true.  I am afraid of getting my hopes up on this one.
  2. Prolotherapy with sodium morrhuate isn't enough, but using PRP injections work and fix everything.  If this happens I'll be a little pissed we did two sessions of just sodium morrhaute, feel like we just wasted 2 months.
  3. Prolotherapy doesn't work at all, and I have to get surgery, but after that I'm set.  I really doubt surgery is the answer, but if it's all I have left then I gotta try it.
  4. Prolotherapy heals the labrum but I'm still in pain.  ...This would probably be the worst scenario because then we go back to the mystery of why my psoas is so tight.  Perhaps I did something else during the lifting competition.  This idea scares me the most, not knowing.  
  5. Absolute worst case is I get surgery and it doesn't help with the pain.  That would be a disaster.
I really hope that I get scenario 1 or 2, with the end result of no more hip pain.  I've lived with it for so long though, it's really hard to imagine.

My pain still feels like it's in the psoas, but I also feel some pain when I squeeze my heels together.  This feel more like the pain associated with the pulled groin.  This makes me nervous in that maybe there is something new going on down there.  When I saw Bobby about a month ago he found a lot of knots right above the pubic bone, and the referall pain I experienced when he worked on them felt a lot like this new pain.  I saw Bobby last week and this time he didn't find anything like that (although the psoas was still tight).

This has just been a never-ending puzzle, but I'm not going to give up until I've figured out everything.  I am not going to let this beat me, I am going to beat it.

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