Friday, October 28, 2011

Done with PT, Half Angie

Saw that at CFR they were doing a half Angie, witch is 50 pull ups, push ups, situps, and then squats. being bodyweight movements I figured it was a good idea to go for it.  And it worked out allright.  My endurance really has gone down the tubes, the pull ups and push ups took a really long time, I actually finished this WOD after everyone else.  That didn't really bother me, push ups are still a problem for me, but what did bother me was my mechanics in the squat.

This whole injury/rehab process really has brought attention to the asymetry in strength in my right and left legs.  I think the weakness in my right leg, namely my adductors, where what caused the injury.  In pilates, when I really focus on extending my right leg in certain movements, I can really feel how certain muscles want to take over but weaker muscles are starting to fight back and take on the work that they're supposed to.

Anyway, back to the squat.  Near the end when I was starting to fatigue I could really start to feel how wobbly my right knee is.  Actually, I think it is a lot wobblier now that it used to be because my groin is stronger and is now starting to fight instead of just not firing at all.  This problem in mysquat mechanic really could be the reason why my right hip has has so much pain.

I've spent so much time working on pushing knees out when squatting that I never thought the ability to keep my knees in to be an issue.  Now I know better.

It's been six weeks of PT, and I had my last session on Wednesday.  The therapist said that my groin is now much stronger, and all the exercises I did really did get easier as the weeks went by, but I should still keep up with the pilates.  This I already know, it's funny I could lift 220 pounds over my head but I can't go through a pilates class without taking like 45 breaks, and they're only using bodyweight.  All this work on power has left me with little work on endurance.

I still can't run without pain, although this pain seems to be more where my psoas is than the groin.  Still working on it, not really sure what to do.  A lot of things kind of hurt, but only a few things really hurt, if that makes sense.  I do a lot of self massage with the lacrosse ball, and that seems to help with the referral pain.  The fact that it is referral pain tells me that this is probably muscular and not a hernia.  Yay for silver linings.

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