Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Quiet before the storm

Can't believe I'm going to be competing this weekend. We'll find out the work out 48 hours in advance, which on one hand I don't like because I will have time to freak out about it, but on the other hand I will have time to prepare myself (and not freak out). I just keep picturing workouts with handstand push ups, lots of muscle ups, and pistol squats. But who knows, maybe the strength wod will be overhead squats, and the met-con will have box jumps, rowing and double unders.

Everyday I really do try to give it my all in the gym, I know that I won't have a chance to do it over again so I have to make it count. I just wish I was stronger, faster, and more skilled. But I doubt that desire will ever change, so I'm glad I still have the fire.

Had seven people show up for the pull up class last week, very exciting and glad to get things back on track. This time around there were more higher-skilled people, like people who were there to work on stringing their pu's or wanted to learn butterfly.

Today the WOD was the Hopper wod of AMRAP back squat 225 for three minutes. This workout really does make me feel weak, as I see so many people posting in the 30's. But I managed to squat the weight 4 times in a row, and then managed to get 7 more (not unbroken). That's 11 total, 2 more than back at the Hopper. ...I feel like this type of workout is what really typifies my weakness, how I can start out strong and then my body just stops responding.

But, on the bright side, I am seeing improvement. The Paleo Challenge is going along well, it's helping me stay on the diet on the weekends. I'm noticing some difference in body composition, and I imagine this is helping out my hips a lot since it lowers inflammation.


Angie said...

Give it your all in the competition this weekend! No worries - you train hard.

Adam said...

Thanks Angie. And it's not like I'm really going to win it all, I'm going to push myself, and to force myself to realize how much stronger I've become.

Erin said...

Go Adam! Good luck this weekend!

Adam said...

Thanks Erin, I'm going to give it me all!