Sunday, March 13, 2011

Snatch PR

Wednesday we got to find our 1 rep snatch max, and I was excited. Since I've started coaching, I've really started understanding the movements we do. Most people will tell you, teaching is a great learning tool, and it's no different with coaching. This is one (of many) reasons why I've wanted to become a coach. Anyway, after coaching the snatch last week I've been thinking about how important it is to get under the bar and catch it with active shoulders, and I think it showed today. My PR is 145, and I know I have the strength to go higher because I can overhead squat 195. Today I got 155, although I had to press it out just the slightest bit on the left shoulder. I think my biggest issue is just getting comfortable getting under some weight. I have the speed, and getting under 145 is no problem, looks fantastic. But with 155 I realize this is heavy, and I kind of freak out. I think just doing some practice will help with that.

Some day I want to be able to snatch my bodyweight, and it seems like I'm on my way, especially if I keep losing weight (however I think I might be staying steady now that I'm getting in some protein shakes).

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