Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Getting stronger, class evolving.

So yesterday we found our one rep clean max, and I got up to 205#, a 10# PR. This was awesome, I'm starting to find that part of me that says, "this is going to be hard, but you're going to do it." And I did.

I have no squat in my clean, it is all power. This is something I need to work on to get even heavier weight. Of course, I need to work on my front squat for that as well.

The other day we worked on deadlift, and Mike Snyder of Crossfit Slayer helped me out bigtime. Honestly I am still just figuring out how to tighten up my core. With his help I made a lot of headway, I only got up to 295 and backed down to 275, but near the end I was looking "rock solid."

I am just beginning to figure out my core. I know I keep saying this, but that's because every time I reach a new level I realize how much I don't know/have to go. Now that I'm getting a solid deadlift though, I feel like I've made a major breakthrough.

Makes me want to grease the groove everyday now.

Concerning the class, there has been a decline in attendance. For the people that attend, a lot of progress has been made. Last week I got Maggie to do her first double under ever, even after she told me that it was impossible for her to do one. However, I'm now down to two, maybe one person showing up. Like I said, I think I'm putting out a quality product. People who've attended my class have had a lot of success, but because attendance is voluntary I'm completely at the mercy of whether people want to work on their squat/pull-up/clean or not.

Jerry and I are going to rethink this and see if this needs any retooling. Because of the holidays there hasn't been many new people, and people are enjoying the holidays over learning about the deadlift.

...The other day I saw someone doing dumb bell cleans and were pulling early with their arms. I just reacted and said, "Jump before you bend your arms." Short, simple, and sweet. And, more importantly, it worked.


Erin said...

Hey adam--ideas for you a 6-8 week schedule ahead of time so people can plan on coming to the ones they want to and can put in on the calendar. If I knew what was being worked when, I'd totally make every effort to be there!

Adam said...

Thanks for the idea Erin, I've done it for the month, so we'll see if that helps out.