Concerning the shoulder/back, I'm still pretty weak/sore in the shoulder. Like grabbing and holding onto a soup can doesn't feel good. It's weird how much it's affecting me. Like I rolled over onto this shoulder in my sleep and the pain woke me up.
I'm halfway there to re-starting weight lifting. Going to do rehab (phase 1) until it doesn't hurt anymore, then doing phase 2 until I feel good with that, then on to sprinting and lots of Pilates Barre method classes. I know I know, a dude doing pilates and barre. But they seem like a really good solution to working my core in the correct manner, and will help me get proper mechanics down.
Once symptom of the laberal tear is my shoulder gets reall tired with constant pressure. Like if I try to hold a plank or a downward dog it really wears out quickly. So I'm really looking forward to see if I improve in that area.
I'm really interested in seeing how this past session changes things. I think he really got the remaining muscles that were bothering me, especially my serratus. I'm really looking forward to trying out deadlifting again. I've never done deadlifts without hurting my back, so if this works it will be pretty damn amazing.
I just really hope that my back is done, that I can move on. I accept that the pit in my shoulder capsule may need a few more treatments, but as far as the muscles go I really hope everything is set. I just wish the Doc had started treating the tear in my labrum, the pit in my capsule, sooner. It still makes me pretty mad that he hadn't addressed it until now. Hopefully I can get some pity points and he'll do it for free while he works on my hip.
Speaking of my hip, I'm definitely feeling different. Although it's hard to tell if it is the PRP because four days after seeing Dr. Fullerton I had a varicose vein removed in the same leg. Well, not removed, but burned shut with a laser that was placed inside the vein. While my body reabsorbs the burned up vein, I'm experiencing a lot of pain in my groin, not unlike what I was feeling before I started up dry needling.
I do find though that bringing my knee up doesn't hurt like it used to. I am now realizing how much I used to brace myself for pain while bringing my knee up, say to cross my right leg over my left. It will be interesting to see how squatting will feel. Can't wait really.
So I'm only two weeks away from being able to try out my new body, albeit I will have to approach things conservatively. Still, there is a possibility that I won't need another treatment. The pit in the capsule could be completely healed, and it could be that the tissue in my hip Dr. Fullerton addressed is really all I needed. If that turns out the be the case, I will be overjoyed. Of course, if I need a fifth treatment I really won't be mad because I have been experiencing such progress over these past nine months.
As I read what I just wrote I see so much hope and excitement for what's to come. I can't help but think about how I've been excited for what's to come for years now. Heck back in '09 I was pumped because I just needed to figure out the pain in my shoulder and hip and I was good to go. I wonder if this is normal, or if I am just really, really strange. I guess I have to be constantly optimistic, otherwise I would just get beat down and wouldn't be able to keep going forward. Yes it's been a long journey, and yes I always think that I'm just one step away from being completely healed, but I figure as long as I keep getting better then I'm doing something right.
And I am getting better all the time. Every step I've taken has made me feel better. I guess my body only allows me to feel as certain level of pain, and as I fix one thing or another I realize how much pain I was actually in. I am still surprised that I had so much wrong going on with my back and I was still able to crossfit. Or even walk, for that matter.
For the first time, when I left Dr. Fullerton's office two weeks ago my neck/ear felt completely normal. This is obviously a good sign. I just hope I don't need a second treatment for the shoulder capsule.
As I read what I just wrote I see so much hope and excitement for what's to come. I can't help but think about how I've been excited for what's to come for years now. Heck back in '09 I was pumped because I just needed to figure out the pain in my shoulder and hip and I was good to go. I wonder if this is normal, or if I am just really, really strange. I guess I have to be constantly optimistic, otherwise I would just get beat down and wouldn't be able to keep going forward. Yes it's been a long journey, and yes I always think that I'm just one step away from being completely healed, but I figure as long as I keep getting better then I'm doing something right.
And I am getting better all the time. Every step I've taken has made me feel better. I guess my body only allows me to feel as certain level of pain, and as I fix one thing or another I realize how much pain I was actually in. I am still surprised that I had so much wrong going on with my back and I was still able to crossfit. Or even walk, for that matter.
For the first time, when I left Dr. Fullerton's office two weeks ago my neck/ear felt completely normal. This is obviously a good sign. I just hope I don't need a second treatment for the shoulder capsule.