Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trying a new approach within PT

So my PT is now trying something different so that my right hip will clear the test for impingement.  The goal (obviously) is that I walk in to the clinic, lie down on the table, he applies the test, and boom I pass.  Once that happens we can then go on and take it to the next level; we could then do exercises standing up.  At first my body appeared to be doing X, but since I'm doing the exercises (they tend to make me pain free, so that's a great incentive) and I'm not really responding, he thinks Y might be going on.  Forgive my use of X and Y, Mike tried to explain it but it was just a bunch of acronyms.  But what he thinks is going on is I have a tight Obturator exernus which is pulling on my hip and is causing me to fail the impingement test. It's a strange stretch, you place some rolled up towel (the fulcrum) between your legs, then you have some one push on the knee part of your femur (the lever).  It's like your femur is a see-saw on top of the towel, and by pushing down on one side your applying force upward on the other. That force is what stretches the obturator.  I've never heard of this muscle, and I've never heard Bobby comment on my having a tight obturator, so I asked Mike about manually releasing it.  He responded with, "There is a way to do that, but it would require me sticking my finger up your rectum, and if you want that done you're going to have to find another physical therapist."  ...I fine with just the stretch.

So we've named a new culprit, and hopefully a week of doing this stretch and exercises will help me move on to the next stage of my therapy.

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