Sunday, September 26, 2010

Muscle Up, Again!!!

So it's been over sixteen months since the happiest day of my crossfit life, and although it's been a tough drought I've finally gotten another muscle up! They had us do some skill work before a workout, and I tried to get one three or four times. I was so close, I was getting my head through but I just wasn't getting the height that I needed to be able to push myself up.

As everybody headed over to the white board to go over the workout, I handed Meg the video Camera and told her, "here, I'm going to get one." I was not going to let this continue, I was getting a muscle up no matter what.

Grabbed the rings, cheating a little by keeping my arms bent, pulled as hard as I could and kipped at the same time. I found myself in a deep ring dip, and pressed out of it.

I got another muscle up.


I got it on tape and it's on facebook, but I can't figure out a way to share it on my blog. Unlike last time, where my tendonitis prevented me from continuing on working on the muscle up, I am determined to keep this.

My "first" muscle up was done about a week ago, and since then I've done a muscle up every day during the warm up. For the days following a rest day, I do two of them. Now I can do (at least one) on command. They're not official, I don't know if I can do one starting from my arms starting fully extended. But it's a much, much better starting point then where I was ten days ago.

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