Thursday, February 24, 2011

Second most dangerous crossfit exercise

So earlier this month I talked about how the kipping motion (in both pull ups and toes to bar) is dangerous and can lead to a SLAP (or shoulder labrum) tear. Well, apparently there is another exercise that can lead to a shoulder injury is the sumo deadlift high pull, or SDHP. Basically, the SDHP is safe if you're not using your arms to lift the weight, but as soon as you get tired (and if you're trying to do this at 100% intensity then form will degrade rather quickly) you'll start to use your arms and it will cause an impingement and you'll hurt your supraspinatus. This is all explained beautifully here from Whole9. I highly recommend reading it. Makes me wonder about this years FGB and what I'll do.

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